Meet Kristin Fuller

I am a survivor of sexual abuse and alcoholism turned Certified Emotional Healing and Recovery Coach. I commit my heart and soul to the transformation of my clients. Teaching my clients how to free themselves from the grips of addiction, depression and anxiety is what I am known for. By taking the shame out of addiction recovery, being transparent and compassionate, I have had a proven track record of success in evoking transformational growth with every client that I have had the honor to work with.

In 2018, I graduated from JFK University with my Bachelor’s in Psychology. In preparation to apply to grad schools, I learned about the Coaching profession. Curious, I hired my own coach, and when I saw immediate growth, and the rapid way that my PTSD symptoms were falling away… I was hooked. I knew that coaching was my new passion, and the way that I would use my skills and gifts to help others. I completed the core training program at the Coaches Training Institute in 2019, and began my coaching practice.

In 2020, I decided to lean into bravery, and deep-dive into learning everything that I could about recovery from alcohol and other substances, and decided to use my knowledge and experience to teach others how to live an authentic, complete, and fulfilling life without numbing their pain with substances. When we numb the pain of grief, traumatic events, and difficult emotions, we are also numbing the joy, passion and excitement in our lives. My passion is teaching my clients how to navigate through their lives feeling the full and colorful range of emotions that will help them live a life with purpose, and drive them to strive toward their goals and ambitions. 


A recovery coach is committed to helping you discover your limiting beliefs about alcohol. Together, we will work at re-writing the stories that you believed about alcohol, and learn new coping mechanisms. We will discuss changing your relationship with alcohol, we will do work on healing your old wounds, grief and trauma, and start to design a new roadmap for you to reach your goals. 

Every client jointly signs a commitment contract with their life coach.  I set the terms of the commitment contract to fit your individual goals and plans. 

The first step is to schedule an introductory session.  In that session, we will get an idea of how well we work together and what our next steps should be from there. 

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